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        The TUI MAGIC LIFE Club Song & MyMo Song available to download

        It puts you in the perfect mood for your next holiday, it simply puts you in a good mood and is a guaranteed ear-worm — our club song from TUI MAGIC LIFE.

        The download is of course free and if you like, you can practise your club dance right away. What are you waiting for?

        Start the download here:

        Download club song — nice to have you here

        Our mascot MyMo also has his own song, which will delight young and old alike:
        Here you can download the German version:

        Download MyMo Song in German by herrH

        And here you can find the English version: 

        Download MyMo Song in English by herrH

        Would you prefer to enjoy the MyMo Song via your standard streaming service provider?

        Alright! You can find the links here:

        Amazon Music


        iTunes / Apple Music


